Analog Output Devices

 The National Instruments Analog Output Devices provide extensive features, allowing them to replace components such as PID controllers, function generators, and low-speed arbitrary waveform generators. With various channel counts, output resolutions, and options, these devices integrate effectively within an NI PXI System. Ideal for applications like signal or sensor simulation, power supply control, and deterministic control, these NI Analog Output Devices fit seamlessly into a National Instruments PXI Chassis.

Analog Output Devices

 The National Instruments Analog Output Devices provide extensive features, allowing them to replace components such as PID controllers, function generators, and low-speed arbitrary waveform generators. With various channel counts, output resolutions, and options, these devices integrate effectively within an NI PXI System. Ideal for applications like signal or sensor simulation, power supply control, and deterministic control, these NI Analog Output Devices fit seamlessly into a National Instruments PXI Chassis.

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Analog Output Devices Description Stock Level
NI-9263National Instruments NI-9263 Voltage Output Module- 10 V Signal Ranges and 4 channelsIn Stock
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PCI-6703National Instruments PCI-6703- 8 digital I/O linesIn Stock
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PCI-6704National Instruments PCI-6704 Analog Output Device- 10.1 V voltage output range and 0.1 to 20.2 mA curent output rangeIn Stock
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PCI-6713National Instruments PCI-6713- 1 MS/s sample rateIn Stock
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PCI-6722National Instruments PCI-6722 Analog Output Device- 800 kS/s sample rateIn Stock
Ships in 5-10 Days
PCI-6723National Instruments PCI-6723- 5 V TTL/CMOS digital I/O linesIn Stock
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PCI-6731National Instruments PCI-6731- 1 MS/s sample rateIn Stock
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PCI-6733National Instruments PCI-6733 Analog Output Device- two 24-bit counters/timersIn Stock
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PCI-DDA04-12PCI-DDA04/12, 4 Channel, 12 Bit, Digilent Analog Output BoardIn Stock
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PCIe-6738National Instruments PCIe-6738- 1 MS/s maximum update rateIn Stock
Ships in 5-10 Days
PXI-6704National Instruments PXI-6704 Analog Output Module with a static update rateIn Stock
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PXI-6711National Instruments PXI-6711 Analog Output Module with 4 analog output channelsIn Stock
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PXI-6713National Instruments PXI-6713 Analog Output Module with 8 analog output channelsIn Stock
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PXI-6722National Instruments PXI-6722 Analog Output Module with 800 kS/s maximum update rateIn Stock
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PXI-6723National Instruments PXI-6723 Analog Output Module- 32 analog output channelsIn Stock
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PXI-6733National Instruments PXI-6733 Analog Output Module with 8 channelsIn Stock
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PXIe-6738National Instruments PXIe-6738- 1 MS/s maximum update rateIn Stock
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sbRIO-9269EsbRIO-9269E Isolated Analog Voltage Output ModuleIn Stock
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SH96-96-2SH96-96-2 Shielded  Analog Cable   Call
777306-01National Instruments 777306-01 Analog Output DeviceCall
777318-102National Instruments 777318-102 Analog Voltage Input ModuleCall
777741-01National Instruments 777741-01 Analog Output DeviceCall
777796-01777796-01 PXI-6704 PXI Analog Output Module with 32 Analog Output ChannelsCall
778316-01National Instruments 778316-01 Analog Output DeviceCall
778511-01778511-01 PCI-6731 Analog Output Device with 4 ChannelsCall
778512-01National Instruments 778512-01 PXI Analog Output ModuleCall
778701-01778701-01 PCI-6723 Analog Output Device with 32 ChannelsCall
778705-01National Instruments 778705-01 Analog Output DeviceCall
778998-01National Instruments 778998-01 PXI Analog Output ModuleCall
778999-01778999-01 PXI-6722 Analog Output Board with 8 Voltage Output ChannelsCall
781215-01National Instruments 781215-01 RF Analog Signal GeneratorCall
783800-01783800-01 PXIe-6738 Analog Output Module with 32 Analog OutputsCall