Time is money. Making sure your teams have what they need to use time effectively is part of smart cost control. Tektronix offers asset management solutions to help businesses in every industry maximize uptime and save money. These solutions can help in the following five ways to keep your work flowing smoothly.
3 Advantages of Tektronix’s New Software
The defining mark of today’s new car is multiple electronic systems and devices. With the volume of gadgets, there comes greater complexity. Most high-end vehicles now feature advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS), on-board diagnostics, multiple cameras, and complex information/entertainment systems. No wonder one example of the wiring harness in a high-end luxury vehicle can weigh as much as 110 lbs.
5 Best Discontinued Tektronix Analyzers
As far back as the early days of wireless communications, designers and engineers have been concerned with electromagnetic interference (EMI). Tektronix has been a leader in designing and producing several series of analyzers to help detect and combat EMI throughout the testing phases of research and manufacturing. Tektronix analyzers are known for their ability to instantly scan broad spectrum spans and display easy-to-read test results for better overall EMI detection.
6 Best Discontinued Tektronix Oscilloscopes
Tektronix is a globally-recognized source of equipment for engineers, scientists, and technicians. Known for their innovative measurement technology, they have created tools like oscilloscopes that have aided in the advancement of fields like health, communication, and space science. There are new discoveries in science and technology virtually every day, so it’s imminent that what used to be some of the company’s greatest products are replaced with newer, upgraded models. But just because they’ve been replaced doesn’t mean they’re forgotten. Here are some of the best discontinued oscilloscopes from Tektronix.
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