GPIB Instrument Control Modules

National Instruments' GPIB Instrument Control Modules provide seamless communication between computers and GPIB-compatible instruments, enabling efficient data acquisition and test automation. These modules comply with the IEEE 488.2 standard for reliable instrument connectivity across various industries.

With its high-speed GPIB connectivity, the TS-15050 improves PXI systems and makes sure non-PXI instruments integrate seamlessly. The GPIB-120A provides dependable communication over long distances and effective signal conversion, while the GPIB-1014 and GPIB-1014DP provide strong controller functionality for integrating with several devices. These modules ensure flexible control, high-speed data transfer, and interoperability with LabVIEW, TestStand, and other NI software by simplifying setup and configuration with support for NI-488.2 driver software. 

GPIB Instrument Control Modules

National Instruments' GPIB Instrument Control Modules provide seamless communication between computers and GPIB-compatible instruments, enabling efficient data acquisition and test automation. These modules comply with the IEEE 488.2 standard for reliable instrument connectivity across various industries.

With its high-speed GPIB connectivity, the TS-15050 improves PXI systems and makes sure non-PXI instruments integrate seamlessly. The GPIB-120A provides dependable communication over long distances and effective signal conversion, while the GPIB-1014 and GPIB-1014DP provide strong controller functionality for integrating with several devices. These modules ensure flexible control, high-speed data transfer, and interoperability with LabVIEW, TestStand, and other NI software by simplifying setup and configuration with support for NI-488.2 driver software. 

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800 915 6216
GPIB Instrument Control Modules Description Stock Level
182768A-01 Reverse GPIB Cable AdapterNational Instruments 182768A-01 Reverse GPIB Cable AdapterCall
ExpressCard-GPIBNational Instruments ExpressCard-GPIB device- 1.8 MB/s IEEE 488.1 transfer rateIn Stock
Ships in 5-10 Days
GPIB-100AGPIB-100A GPIB Bus Extender with 18 W PowerIn Stock
Ships Today
GPIB-1014National Instruments GPIB-1014 GPIB Interface- More than 500 kbytes/s transfer rateCall
GPIB-1014DNational Instruments GPIB-1014D- IEEE 488.1 compatibilityIn Stock
Ships Today
GPIB-1014DPNational Instruments GPIB-1014DP- ESP-488 driver softwareCall
GPIB-1014PNational Instruments GPIB-1014P- IEEE 488 standard 24 pin I/O connectorCall
GPIB-120ANational Instruments GPIB-120A Expander- expands the quantity of GPIB devices to 28 maximumIn Stock
Ships Today
GPIB-120BNational Instruments GPIB-120B- doubles the 20 m cable limitCall
GPIB-1284CTNational Instruments GPIB-1284CT- TNT4882C ASICIn Stock
Ships in 5-10 Days
GPIB-130National Instruments GPIB-130- IEEE 488.1 and IEEE 488.2 compatibleIn Stock
Ships Today
GPIB-1394National Instruments GPIB-1394- S400, S200, or S100 data ratesCall
GPIB-140ANational Instruments GPIB-140A GPIB Extender- software transparent deviceIn Stock
Ships Today
GPIB-140A-2National Instruments GPIB-140A/2- 2 km maximum GPIB cable distanceCall
GPIB-232CT-ANational Instruments GPIB-232CT-A- NAT4882 ASICIn Stock
Ships in 5-10 Days
GPIB-232CV-ANational Instruments GPIB-232CV-A- switch-selectable interface parametersIn Stock
Ships Today
GPIB-400National Instruments GPIB-400- RS-232 serial portCall
GPIB-422CVNational Instruments GPIB-422CV- 256K RAMCall
GPIB-485CT-ANational Instruments GPIB-485CT-A Controller- 9-pin RS485 connectorIn Stock
Ships Today
GPIB-ENETGPIB-ENET Hardware kit for the ESP-488In Stock
Ships Today
GPIB-ENET-100National Instruments GPIB-ENET/100- more than 900 kbytes/s (IEEE 488.1 transfer rate)In Stock
Ships Today
GPIB-ENET-1000National Instruments GPIB-ENET/1000- interfaces to 14 GPIB devices maximumIn Stock
Ships Today
GPIB-PCIINational Instruments GPIB-PCII Interface- IEEE 488 standard 24-pin I/O connectorIn Stock
Ships Today
GPIB-PCIIANational Instruments GPIB-PCIIA- compatible with Windows 3.1/DOS OSIn Stock
Ships Today
GPIB-PCIIBNational Instruments GPIB-PCIIB- NI-488 softwareCall
GPIB-PCIIINational Instruments GPIB-PCIII- 20 m maximum cable lengthCall
GPIB-RS232National Instruments GPIB-RS232 Controller- 1-port deviceIn Stock
Ships in 5-10 Days
GPIB-RS485National Instruments GPIB-RS485- for use with a Type X2 shielded GPIB cableCall
GPIB-SCSI-ANational Instruments GPIB-SCSI-A Controller- IEEE 488.2 compatibleIn Stock
Ships Today
GPIB-SPRC-BNational Instruments GPIB-SPRC-B- IEEE 488 standard 24-pin connectorCall
GPIB-SPRC-SNational Instruments GPIB-SPRC-S Controller- LabWindows/CVI compatibilityCall
GPIB-USB-ANational Instruments GPIB-USB-A- 650 Kbytes/sIn Stock
Ships in 5-10 Days
GPIB-USB-BNational Instruments GPIB-USB-B Controller- 850 Kbytes/sIn Stock
Ships Today
GPIB-USB-HSNational Instruments GPIB-USB-HS- built-in 2 m cableIn Stock
Ships Today
GPIB-USB-HS PlusNational Instruments GPIB-USB-HS+ Device- compatible with USB 2.0 portsCall
GPIB-VXINational Instruments VXI-GPIB- Slot 0 Resource Manager moduleIn Stock
Ships in 5-10 Days
PC-104-GPIBNational Instruments PC/104-GPIB- 8-bit or 16-bit deviceCall
PCI-8212National Instruments PCI-8212- 8 Mbytes/s transfer rate maximumIn Stock
Ships in 5-10 Days
PCI-8215National Instruments PCI-8215- contains TNT GPIB ASICCall
PCI-8232National Instruments PCI-8232 GPIB Controller with 7.8 MB/s maximum transfer rateIn Stock
Ships in 5-10 Days
PCI-GPIBNational Instruments PCI-GPIB- IEEE 488 deviceIn Stock
Ships Today
PCI-GPIB PlusNational Instruments PCI-GPIB+- onboard GPIB analyzer includedIn Stock
Ships Today
PCI-GPIB-LPNational Instruments PCI-GPIB/LP- compatible with 3.3 and 5 V PCI slotsIn Stock
Ships Today
PCIe-GPIBNational Instruments PCIe-GPIB- Windows or Linux operating systemIn Stock
Ships Today
PCIe-GPIB PlusNational Instruments PCIe-GPIB+ for Windows operating systemIn Stock
Ships Today
PCIe-GPIB-LPNational Instruments PCIe-GIB/LP with NI-488.2 driver softwareIn Stock
Ships Today
PMC-GPIBNational Instruments PMC-GPIB bus-powered deviceIn Stock
Ships in 5-10 Days
PXI-8232National Instruments PXI-8232 GPIB Instrument Control Module- up to 1,000 Mbit/s Gigabit Ethernet Transfer RateIn Stock
Ships Today
PXI-GPIBNational Instruments PXI-GPIB- compatible with NI-488.2 driver softwareIn Stock
Ships Today
SB-GPIB-TNTNational Instruments SB-GPIB/TNT- 1.6 Mbytes/s GPIB Reads rateCall
776526-01776526-01 GPIB-130 GPIB Extender with 900 kbytes/sCall
776564-01776564-01 GPIB-120A Expander/Isolator with 120 VCall
777463-01777463-01 GPIB-PCII GPIB Interface for Windows ME/9XCall
777997-01National Instruments 777997-01 GPIB ExtenderCall
778032-01778032-01 PCI-GPIB Instrument Control Device with NI-488.2Call
778039-01778039-01 PXI-GPIB Instrument Control Module with NI-488.2 DriverCall
778209-01778209-01 GPIB-ENET-100 GPIB Controller with RJ-45 Ethernet I/O ConnectorCall
778742-01National Instruments 778742-01 GPIB Instrument Control DeviceCall
778769-01National Instruments 778769-01 GPIB Instrument Control DeviceCall
778927-01778927-01 GPIB-USB-HS Instrument Control Device with NI-488.2 for WindowsCall
778930-01778930-01 PCIe-GPIB Instrument Control Device with NI-488.2 Driver SoftwareCall
779192-01779192-01 GPIB-USB-B Controller with NI-488.2 DriverCall
779651-01779651-01 GPIB-120B Bus Isolator/Expander with 120 VACCall
781630-01National Instruments 781630-01 Ethernet GPIB Instrument Control DeviceCall
781753-01781753-01 PXI-8232 GPIB Instrument Control Module For Windows and LabVIEW RealTimeCall
783368-01National Instruments 783368-01 GPIB Instrument Control DeviceCall